Lil' Choo-Choo Johnson, Bluesman

$14.95 / Paperback

ISBN: 9781608443550

209 pages

Also available at fine bookstores everywhere

Bryan Krull's first novel, the Independent Publisher Award-winning Lil' Choo-Choo Johnson, Bluesman, is now available digitally on Nook, Kindle, and Apple devices, as well as in traditional paperback form via Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and this website! It is a work of historical fiction about a young Mississippi boy who becomes a blues guitar legend. Earl “Lil’ Choo-Choo” Johnson left home at the age of 10, with only his father’s guitar, and stepped into the world of the Delta blues. A guitar prodigy, his music led him to play with blues legends like Robert Johnson, Charley Patton, Son House, Howlin’ Wolf, and Muddy Waters. Lil’ Choo-Choo’s story is a history of the blues, from sharecroppers' shacks on Dockery’s Plantation and whiskey-soaked juke joints in Depression-era Mississippi to the swinging clubs of post-war Memphis and Chicago. It encompasses the heyday of the Delta blues, the birth of rock and roll, the British invasion, the blues revival of the 1960s, and beyond. It is also the story of a man who overcomes adversity to become a successful musician and family man.


Thanks to Heather Chick for the cover head shot photo.